

access ramp with guard rail

Archie’s Access Solution

The August Home Mod of the Month is the hardwood ramp and concreting installed around our client Archie’s home to provide easier access. Archie relies on a walker for transportation due to mobility restrictions, and was faced with the tough task of scaling stairs to enter and exit the house. The surrounding backyard also contained unstable paths that presented the

access ramp

Janett’s Ramp

April’s Home Mod of the Month is the hardwood ramp & bannister rails installed for our client, Janett. The custom designed ramps here at Qspec allow for independence for clients requiring step-less access without relying on assistance, while the bannister rails provide stability and extra support. Initially, two steps were the only access options onto the patio. Janett and her husband required the ramp

mobility ramps

Kerri’s Ramp

Kerri’s need for a ramp and landing installation stems from lingering issues with her feet. A recent broken foot forced Kerri into a wheelchair, and therefore required an access solution for accessing the back patio. Previously, the entry and exit to the area featured a step. Due to Kerri’s lingering feet issues and now having to manoeuvre in a wheelchair,

change table

Lexie’s Change Table- Disability Home Modifications

June’s Disability Home Modifications of the Month  The change table and triple stacking door installation provided for our client Lexie. Lexie is 7 years old and has Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome, and has been unable to be toilet trained. For the past 7 years, Lexie had been using an infant nappy change table, of which she had far outgrown around

laundry modification for accessibility

Amanda’s Laundry Modification

May’s Home Mod of the Month is the accessible laundry space created for our client Amanda. The redesigned window and bench installation has significantly increased Amanda’s independence and made doing laundry much easier! Amanda required the modification as she is an amputee that was restricted to hopping through the wet laundry floors due to the external door not being wheelchair

stair lift

Eileens Stairclimbers

This month’s Home Mod of the Month is the stair climbers installed for our client, Eileen. Stair climbers provide our clients with a safe and secure lift up and down staircases with the push of a button! With the addition of stair climbers in the home, Eileen now has the capability to safely scale the stairs without the risk of falls and injuries. Eileenrequired the